Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Plot Aspects- Changes

 Plot- Changes and Exchanges 

    Hey! So... some interesting news. I met with my media studies teacher one on one to discuss the progression of my project, such as my research, genre, plot, characters, etc. She said that my genre and my blog posts were good (phew), but she said that I needed to adjust my plot. 
    My teacher said that the kidnapping gimmick was cliche and overdone, which I actually agree with. Also, the plotline itself was too much for a film opening. A two-minute film opening should not contain an entire climax and falling action/resolution, but rather, a collection of scenes that may seem simple, but come together to allude to the plot at the end. This actually makes a lot of sense, and to be honest, it's going to be a lot easier to film on my end. 

Revised Plot

So, I'm still keeping the theme of the photographer wanting to kidnap the main girl character, but I'm not going to actually show the girl kidnapped or anything. My teacher and I talked about it, and we were thinking that the opening could start with Raquel bringing her little sister to the park. William will be seen approaching the playground and viewing her from afar, camera in hand/around his neck. 

The only thing that I need to decide now is how to allude that Raquel will be his next victim, and to show what he's done to others. My next posting will be the final rendition of the plot. Later in the week, I will be sketching a storyboard to plan the shots exactly how I want them. 

Hopefully, my revised idea will meet Stoklosa's approval (my media studies teacher). I'm actually really excited to start filming and watching my ideas come to life. A cast list is coming soon! 

Stay tuned to find out! 

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Creative Critical Reflection

My CCR Hi all! Here is the CCR, or Creative Critical Reflection, for my project. It has truly been such a fun ride, and I hope you enjoy it!...